Mesa KR*, O'Connor KA, Ng C,Salvatore S, Dolynuk A, Rivera Lomeli M, Littman DR*. Niche-specific macrophage loss promotes skin capillary aging. bioRxiv (2024). (*co-corresponding authors)
Keister BD, Mesa KR, Blagoev KB. Apoptotic cells may drive cell death in hair follicles during their regression cycle. Oncotarget (2023).
Cockburn K, Annusver K, Gonzalez DG, Ganesan S, May DP, Mesa KR, Kawaguchi K, Kasper M, Greco V. Gradual differentiation uncoupled from cell cycle exit generates heterogeneity in the epidermal stem cell layer. Nature Cell Biology (2022).
Kedmi R, Najar TA, Mesa KR, Grayson A, Kroehling L, Hao Y, Hao S, Pokrovskii M, Xu M, Talbot J, Wang J, Germino J, Lareau CA, Satpathy AT, Anderson MS, Laufer TM, Aifantis I, Bartleson JM, Allen PM, Paidassi H, Gardner JM, Stoeckius M, Littman DR. A RORγt+ cell instructs gut microbiota-specific Treg cell differentiation. Nature (2022).
Xu H, Wu L, Nguyen HH, Mesa KR, Raghavan V, Episkopou V, Littman DR. Arkadia-SKI/SnoN signaling differentially regulates TGF-β-induced iTreg and Th17 cell differentiation. Journal of Experimental Medicine (2021).
Ng C, Aichinger M, Nguyen T, Au C, Najar T, Wu L, Mesa KR, Liao W, Quivy JP, Hubert B, Almouzni G, Zuber J, Littman DR. The histone chaperone CAF-1 cooperates with the DNA methyltransferases to maintain Cd4 silencing in cytotoxic T cells. Genes and Development (2019).
Mesa KR*, Kawaguchi K*, Cockburn K*, Gonzalez D, Boucher J, Xin T, Klein AM, Greco V. Differentiation-induced stem cell division as a local homeostatic control mechanism. Cell Stem Cell (2018). (*equal contribution)
Park S, Gonzalez DG, Guirao B, Boucher JD, Cockburn K, Marsh ED, Mesa KR, Brown S, Rompolas P, Haberman AM, Bellaïche Y, Greco V. Tissue-scale coordination of cellular behaviour promotes epidermal wound repair in live mice. Nature Cell Biology (2017).
Rompolas P*, Mesa KR*, Kawaguchi K, Park S, Gonzalez D, Brown S, Boucher J, Klein AM, Greco V. Spatiotemporal coordination of stem cell commitment during epidermal homeostasis. Science (2016). (*equal contribution)
Mesa KR, Rompolas P & Greco V. The dynamic duo: niche/stem cell interdependency. Stem Cell Reports (2015).
Mesa KR, Rompolas P, Zito G, Myung P, Sun TY, Brown S, Gonzalez DG, Blagoev KB, Haberman AM, Greco V. Niche-induced cell death and epithelial phagocytosis regulate hair follicle stem cell pool. Nature (2015).
Pineda CM*, Park S*, Mesa KR, Wolfel M, Gonzalez DG, Haberman AM, Rompolas P, Greco V. Intravital imaging of hair follicle regeneration in the mouse. Nature Protocols (2015). (*equal contribution)
Mesa KR & Greco V. Linking morphogen and chromatin in the hair follicle. Developmental Cell (2013).
Rompolas P, Mesa KR & Greco V. Spatial organization within a niche as a determinant of stem-cell fate. Nature (2013).
Prakash A, Mesa KR, Wilhelmsen K, Xu F, Dodd-o JM, Hellman J. Alveolar macrophages and Toll-like receptor 4 mediate ventilated lung ischemia reperfusion injury in mice. Anesthesiology (2012).
Wilhelmsen K, Mesa KR, Lucero J, Xu F, Hellman J. ERK5 protein promotes, whereas MEK1 protein differentially regulates, the Toll-like receptor 2 protein-dependent activation of human endothelial cells and monocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012).
Wilhelmsen K, Mesa KR, Prakash A, Xu F, Hellman J. Activation of endothelial TLR2 by bacterial lipoprotein upregulates proteins specific for the neutrophil response. Innate Immunity (2012).